Parenting Strategies That You Need To Implement- By: Steve King

Description : There are many theories about parenting, and you can find hundreds of books that give you different options. You can't actually reduce parenting to a few universal rules, as parents are all a little different, as are their children. Nevertheless, we can identify some common situations that most parents face and some ways of handling these that are often helpful.

Of all of the hundreds of studies that have been done, it has been shown that lack of involvement with your kids is the worst thing that you can do, even over being too strict or overly permissive.

It has been shown time and again that kids that are neglected often fall short of reaching the goals that they could have attained if their parents had just been there. It is important to also realize that life can become very busy, so you need to find time and schedule it in for your kids or you will miss them as they grow up. Remember that, even if you're not sure what the best course of action to take with your kids may be, just being there and showing them you care is the most important part of being a parent. Parents don't always realize just how much influence they have over their kids, even when they're not influencing them in the right ways. So if you want your kids to have certain values or behave in a certain way, you must set the example. If you frequently swear around the house but tell your kids to watch their language, you won't have much hope of influencing them the way you want. Kids learn best by observation, which is why you should strive to live up to your own standards. Children tend to emulate their parents in important ways, more than they usually realize. No parent can be the perfect role model at all times, but the idea is to at least make this your goal.

Try to avoid yelling at your kids, as this seldom has the effect that you want. This is not to say we will not raise our voices from time to time out of frustration. Just do not make a habit of screaming at your children as it may backfire on you later on. For one thing, your kids may get used to it, and you'll find that yelling is the only way to get their attention. It may be detrimental to your children to shout at them as they will pick up this habit and start shouting at other people including family and friends. Instead of yelling, speak very softly so that your children will have to quiet down to listen to what you say.

Most people can be great parents, however it takes a lot of patience and determination to become one. It is our job to do our best to raise our children, making sure to take the time to focus on them and to always be calm and not angry. The above tips on parenting are some of the ways you can make your everyday interactions with your children more positive.

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